• Don't worry that you might look ridiculous when you're out running; I can assure you that you DO look ridiculous.
• Don't forget to put on your shin splints before running.
• Find what motivates YOU to run; for me, it's when somebody says "I think the security guard saw you shove that down your pants."
• If you're running at night on a busy street, remember to make sure your life insurance premiums are paid up.
• If you're just getting started, start slowly, maybe just 10 minutes or so of running your mouth.
• Now that I'm running, please be aware that it is no longer "hilarious, dude" to throw empty beer cans out the car window at joggers.
• After each run, I like to stretch my muscles and the truth about how far/fast I went.
• It's important not to get dehydrated on long runs, so consider wearing a hydration pack or carrying a bucket of water balloons.
• You can find a lot of reflective accessories at the running supply store in the "Dorkwear" department.
• They say that no matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch; well, I guess they haven't seen my newest invention: the Sofa-Mobile. BEEP BEEP! Look out, slowpoke. Sofa-Mobile coming through!