• Listen to your body, except when it's saying "Hey buddy! How's about a bag of them there Cool Ranch Doritos?"
• Some gyms will let you work out for free if your friend creates a large enough diversion.
• To make yourself drink more water, remember this little saying that mother otters tell baby otters: "Be a good little otter and drink your water like you oughta." What? Yes, I know that otters aren't capable of human speech. I was just making a point about drinking more water. Geez Loiuse!
• When you salt food, use something besides salt.
• Yesterday's tomorrow is today's today. I don't see how that pertains to anything but I like to take any opportunity I can to BLOW YOUR MIND.
• Cook with extra-virgin olive oil instead of that whorish peanut oil.
• Taking up "fake smoking" lets you stretch your legs and get outside several times a day without all the health risks associated with regular smoking.
• Sitting is really detrimental to your weight-loss plans, which is why my blog is often filled with quickly scribbled weight-loss "tips". Back to the gym!