Because of Who You Are ...

When you look into the cottony sky, the beautiful landscape of hills and mountains, the shimmering sunlight to the sea, the awesome colors of leaves and flowers, the glittering stars of the might ask..what a Great Hand has created these things..
When you see and hear the different animals, when you feel the warm embrace of your kids, the loving touch of your mother, the protection of your might say...what a Wonderful privilege has been given to us..
Have you asked who you are to see and feel all of these things?..Have you been wondering that with all those trials, pain and sufferings, you still managed to get up and be someone you dreamed of?..

Watch, hear and think of what this song is saying...

This song is like a prayer..with all those things around us, those people who have hurt us, those trials that make us fall..there is One Hand that will catch matter what or who we are..without Him..we're like a flower quickly fading, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the today and gone tomorrow. We are nothing..but because of Who God Is..we are someone..someone His....
Who am I? .. God said, You are mine.. "I am yours, God, and whom shall I fear?"..what a wonderful assurance that whatever we had done,because  He is God, He loves us and will be by our side...and God's promises never change...